Having trouble with registering and paying fees? Just follow these simple instructions.
To complete your registration, please fill out the registration form with your personal information and chosen package. Indicate whether you have online payment options available. Once you submit the form and your registration is confirmed, you will receive a unique student ID and fee voucher. If you are already registered and need to make a payment or request a fee voucher, complete the fee voucher request form with your details, including your student ID, selected package, and the payment month. Specify your payment method and submit the form. Upon verification of your details, a fee voucher will be issued to you.
To complete your registration, fill out the form with your personal details and chosen package. Specify online payment options. Upon confirmation, you'll receive a student ID and fee voucher. For existing registrants, complete the fee voucher request form with student ID, package, and payment month. Submit your payment method for processing.